
How to wear Hijab Khaliji Style and another cute way! - by Youtube Guru Adilah

Here is a really nice khaliji tutorial (top vid) - the best one ive found by Adilah. If you havent caught onto this trend yet, its modest and very stylish :) Give it a try! The second tutorial is a variation on the layered hijab styles that have been flying around egypt.

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Cover with Faith, Style and Modesty!



  1. oh very nice! - the khaliji one is really easy to follow and the bottom one is a layered style that i could actually wear because it covers the neck! GREAT POST :)

  2. yes Adilah's tutorials are really great. She's clear and straight forward and very modest Masha Allah. I love that. - on top of that she has a steller fashion sense. She's gonna be the next Madiha!

    FYI: if you haven't heard of Madiha, she is the youtube extraordinaire hijab fashion how-to guru! Heres her site:


  3. these are really nice, thanks!


  4. i like the bottom style. very pretty.



Salaam All,

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