
How to Wear Hijab - Egyptian Style Part 5 , Jailan Atef

Here is a quick video showing a beautiful makeup and veil design by Jailan Atef. She is an Egyptian makeup and veil artist. This design is really beautiful and would make a great formal style for a wedding or other dressy ladies occasion. Enjoy!

Need scarves to create this look?

buy them here!


  1. Its really cute. I like the one-sided look...i also really like what the designer is wearing.

    A question: does this meet the criteria for hijab?


  2. If your question is: Does this meet the Islamic criteria for hijab? - the answer is 'no'. This style is best suited for women's events.

    here are some of the main reasons why it doesnt:
    1. She has on makeup.
    2. while the scarf covers her hair, her neck is still partially visible.
    3. her outfit is very body conscious, and you can basically see all her curves.
    4. the look is make to attract attention.

    basically, many of the hijab fashion designs that you see on fashionista blogs are appropriate at woman's events. Women are the ones who appreciate those ornate designs anyway.

    In public hijab is meant to detract attention. So fancy hijab creations, loud colors or bold designs, makeup, perfume, tight clothes.... all out. Hope this answers your question.


  3. A such hijab (with rabbit ears on it, for kids), is it haram ?


Salaam All,

Please feel free to let us know what you think. Add your ideas about hijab styles, scarf tieing suggestions and life as Al Muhajaba El Aniqa (the one who wears hijab with pride and style)!