
How to wear hijab - Funky n Cute Hijab Wrap Style

I couldn't pass up posting these two pics from Rebirth of Chic (very hip Muslima fashion apparel)! I LOVE the hijab wrap style they used. Its one that can be modified easily, and that can be worn with the 'flower' pinned either up high on the head, or low down near your ear. This could even be augmented to cover the bust as well. Funky 'n cute!

Need scarves to complete this look?

Buy them here!

Cover with Faith, Style and Modesty!


  1. helo Aweeeeeeeeeee!!!! :)

  2. such a cute hijab design!!! i love the skirt in the bottom pic too!!!

  3. I have almost that exact same skirt which kind of unraveled and looks totally different after one wash.

    i like the style, but I kow I could never pull it off.


Salaam All,

Please feel free to let us know what you think. Add your ideas about hijab styles, scarf tieing suggestions and life as Al Muhajaba El Aniqa (the one who wears hijab with pride and style)!