
How to wear Hijab - Egyptian Veil Designs by Yasmin Mohsen

Acclaimed model and Egyptian veil artist Yasmin Mohsen demonstrates how to wrap several beautiful and trendy hijab wrap designs. Learn the criss-cross wrap, the one-sided wrap, a square scarf wrap and a fashion forward turban style wrap. I love her designs because they are chic, and very stylish! I also like how she uses a square keffiyah to cover her neck and bustline. LOVE 'EM!

*some of these styles may only be appropriate for ladies/Mahram events.

Need hijabs to creat these designs?

Buy them here!

Cover with Faith, Style and Modesty!


  1. what awesome tutorials!!!! :) where did you find these???? they show so many styles that i wanted to learn! I LOVE YOU!!!! :)

  2. Wow, these are beautiful designs! I will definately be trying them! Are there any more hijab tutorials like these? I want to learn more!


Salaam All,

Please feel free to let us know what you think. Add your ideas about hijab styles, scarf tieing suggestions and life as Al Muhajaba El Aniqa (the one who wears hijab with pride and style)!