
How to wear hijab - The Basic Spanish Hijab Wrap

Here is a quick how-to video showing the basic spanish wrap hijab style. Its quick and easy. Great when worn beneath another hijab as well! More variations to come! Think: soirees, henna parties...etc!

*Please read our hijab fashion disclaimer at the top right of the blog. This style is appropriate from Mahram/ladies-only events. It does not meet the conditions for hijab in public. Indulge modestly. :)

Need hijabs to creat this look?

Buy them here!

Cover with Faith, Style and Modesty!

1 comment:

  1. Finally! An easy to follow how-to-wear-hijab video that has no music and no Sisters showing their hair! :)

    thanks so much. I love it.


Salaam All,

Please feel free to let us know what you think. Add your ideas about hijab styles, scarf tieing suggestions and life as Al Muhajaba El Aniqa (the one who wears hijab with pride and style)!